Scour Protection Mats are a system which allows the installation to repair or protect the river bed from being eroded by
water flow on Bridges and Structures.
The system is environmentally friendly in that the mats are sealed to prevent the grout material from escaping while
the mat is being filled.
A simple valve system prevents the grout washing into the water and the mats can be filled in fast flowing water
without making any pollution.
The mats shackle together with metal connections to create large joined areas of mats making any size of mat pattern
possible including curves and difficult shapes.
The mats when filled have a minimum of 25 Years life and longer if not disturbed.
The system has been widely used under the Enviroform label on Projects for Network Rail, Environment Agency and Main
Scour Protection Mats have taken over the manufacturing and sale of the mats including installation for clients (if needed)
Contact Mr Chris Drake if you have any questions
07831 281606